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Our first ever blog. Wow. Just like our business, this might be a bit of an organized mess...there’s so many things I want to say-don’t worry, I won’t say them all! I’ll leave a few for future posts! 

I probably should start with who we are and why we started. But instead, I think I’m going to talk about one of the most influential get messy events to date, and tell you how you all can help us finish up a project we are working on. 

Jennifer had the pleasure of meeting Neveah at the baby bump expo.  I remember her telling me about it later that night (you know, the life of a nurse...always missing something fun, working on the weekends, and holidays....I digress).  She loved her paintings and Jennifer offered her one from her display until she could come and paint with us one day. 

Fast forward to us thinking how awesome it would be to be a part of the lemonade stand! 

We set out to contact the lady in charge-Holly, Nevaeh’s momma. Understandably, the lady is busy. She is spearheading the committee, and caring for her beautiful family. While we were waiting for a response, we unknowingly booked another event the same day as the stand. When the girls contacted us, our hands were tied. But we REALLY wanted to be a part of it. So with just a few days before the big day, we moved around our commitments and made it happen! 

I spent Friday night painting a huge three by six foot canvas at my cabin! We packed it up and headed to Nevaeh’s lemonade stand early Saturday morning. 

It was rainy, and drizzly, and foggy. 

Nevaeh spent half the morning worrying that no one would show up. We hit up some sweethearts at dominion to share their tent and started painting hands to stamp our canvas. 

Nevaeh was first. A perfect little yellow handprint in the heart of our tree. Literally. 

The rest of the kids stamped yellow (lemons) and green (leaves) over the remaining space. The plan was to donate it to the janeway with Nevaeh. 

Sadly, this sweet little warrior lost her battle before we could. 

The rain, really did a number on our canvas. It took quite the beating. We stayed as long as we possibly could, and took our canvas home to let it dry.

Our plan was to bring it with us to a childhood cancer camp we painted with the following week. But, Nevaeh, being the big personality she was, was such a big part of their community, we felt that their loss might be too great and too fresh to partake. 

So here we are. Post lemonade stand, post camp, and no complete canvas. The last canvas Nevaeh will be part of to donate to the janeway where she spent so many of her days. 

So, we are asking you guys, to come and help us. Check out our Facebook group (link at the top of the page-please like it and share it with your friends too!) for the official event details. There will be refreshments donated by McDonalds (bless them), the huge canvas for you to help us complete (free of charge), and a lemon painting that you can do for a small fee-proceeds donated to NLS. We really hope to see you there! Xx Joanne 

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